Sunday, May 26, 2013


Good evening everyone,

I have a bit of unfortunate news... Pat had to go in for emergency surgery today because her aneurysm ruptured again.

Mommy and I are at the hospital now waiting for her to get out of surgery. I will post an update tomorrow on how Pat is doing .

The physicians are stating that she needs as much rest as possible, so for this reason visiting Pat has been restricted to immediate family only.

Once Pat is in a more stable condition, I will let everyone know when visitation can resume.

 Thank you and please continue to keep her in your prayers.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Hello everyone,

I just wanted to give you a quick update on Pat....

She's finally been in a more stable condition and the doctors have started to reduce some of the heavier medications she was on (e.g. sedation meds). She is still very much in the recovery process, but is able to recognize guests and talk minimally (it's a low whisper right now).

She will be having another procedure next week, so visitation will be restricted a couple of days so she can rest. After, she will be reevaluated by the doctors to start looking at rehabilitation centers.

We still aren't sure when she'll be home or what type of rehab is needed quite yet. Once we find out, we will inform everyone.

I want to thank everyone again for the prayers and offers of help. Again, once we have more information about the next steps, we'll be better able to gage what type of help is needed.

Oh, one last thing. One of Pat's colleagues - Wallene Bullard has set up a donation fund for Pat for those of you who would like to give something during this time. The link for the donation page is below:

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

God is faithful!

Good evening everyone,

We have another praise report!! Pat is doing much better after the last procedure this past Friday and is beginning to stabilize =)

Mommy and I visited her today, and the doctors had removed 2 medications (they are monitoring how well she is able to do without them) and they also removed her breathing tube! She was able to talk to Mommy and I (it still takes her some energy to talk, but she speaks clearly), and even said I should have 1 more baby LoL.

She's looking a lot better and seems to be gaining more strength each day. Again, if you would like to go see her, please feel free to (just try to let me know if you can so I can make sure her schedule is pretty clear for the day).

Also, I didn't get a chance to post this Sunday, so I'll do it here......

To Pat (Mommy, Daughter, Sister, Niece, and friend),

To one of the hardest-working, loving, unselfish mother's I know.
You are doing such a wonderful job raising Dorian
 and he is blessed to have a mother like you.
Continue to get stronger and we'll all be right here to celebrate with you
 when you come home.
Love, Everyone!


Saturday, May 11, 2013

I Love My Bop.... Evening update

Today I visited Pat and this is the first time I've seen her "up" since the first day all of this occured. Normally when I've visited she was under heavy sedation or she had just returned from a procedure, so she would be resting. So, I can't explain how excited I was that I finally got to see my sister.

Although she can't verbalize words (primarily because she has a breathing tube inserted), she is able to gesture and nod her head. When she saw me, I smiled and said You have a new niece, and she looked at my stomach and placed her hand over it. I said Yep, Ari is here and she's bossy just like me. Pat got a little teary eyed, but I calmed her and let her know that it had only been a week and a few days and that her niece was waiting to see her. I showed her pictures of Ari and Elijah (she always calls him her boo lol) and she tapped my phone screen. At first I was a little confused, but then it dawned on me that she wanted me to send the pictures to her email. I asked her if that's what she wanted and she nodded her head Yes.

My intention today was to go encourage and comfort Pat, but instead she encouraged and comforted me. Mommy left us alone for a while to talk and I just let her know how much I missed her and that I loved my big sister. I asked for her forgiveness for all the stupid things I've done or said and brokedown crying. She reached for me and I layed my head on her chest and she just hugged me. Even with all that she's going through, she still took care of her little sister. She held my hand and just looked at me and nodded as to say It's okay.

Once I got myself together I was able to play a few Mint Condition songs (a suggestion made by a friend since that's her favorite R&B band) and Fred Hammond's Celebrate. Pat moved her soldiers nodded her head, and lifted her hand on the part of the song that says to do so. I was so overjoyed. My Bop was still there. Although her shell looks different with all of the tubes and some of the swelling she has, her spirit was still there.

That started me thinking about how we are housed in shells while we're here on Earth. Our shell doesn't make us who we are. In fact, we aren't going to even have these shells for eternity. It's the spirit that God gives us that lives on no matter what our outer bodies do. While God is working on restoring Pat's outer shell, He has her spirit guarded and wrapped in His love. How amazing is that???

So, I just want everyone to stay in prayer and remember that God is faithful. He knew this day was coming long before any of us did. He has Pat right where He wants her. He has us right where He wants us. This is the time for all of us to sit still and let Him speak to our spirits.

Again, if you would like to visit her, please just email me at with the day and time you would like to go. Also, if you want to share a story about your visit or just a general one about Pat, please email it to me and I will be glad to post it for you.

Continue to pray and celebrate!!!

~ Nikki

*Bop is the name I used to call Pat when I was little because I couldn't pronounce her name.


Good evening everyone,

I know you all have been waiting to hear more updates on Pat and I apologize for not posting the last few days.

Since the last post, Pat has had 2 more procedures to treat the vasospasms - one Wednesday, and another Friday morning. Both procedures were successful, in that the doctors were able to reopen the arteries that constricted without any complications. For now, the doctors will continue to monitor her closely and let her continue to rest.

I'm happy to report that Pat is still responsive to the cognitive tests the nurses are performing and she has been able to gesture when Mommy, Dorian, and I have visited. It's definitely encouraging to see her still recognize family and friends even with all that has been going on.

Part of the reason I haven't posted is because I've been doing a lot of praying over the past few days. Seeing my sister in this situation has been really difficult for me. The other day when I visited her was really overwhelming and I kept thinking, God what is your purpose for all of this? I'm definitely not questioning God, but I do believe things happen for a reason, but why Pat? And why now?

My main prayer has been that God use me in this situation as He sees fit - especially with this blog. I believe this is an opportunity to share more than just updates on Pat. This is an opportunity to share and encourage so that everyone who views this blog knows the God that Pat serves and seeks His purpose for their lives.

During this week of prayer, God kept placing one word on my heart... family. Pat and I didn't always behave sisterly. There was a division between us that affected our family. We would argue or go periods without speaking and say hurtful things to one another. And looking back, it hindered the both of us from being able to please God and fulfill his purpose. Although our relationship has been restored presently and we're continuing to grow, I can't help but wonder about all the missed opportunities I could have said I love you or embraced her.

I challenge you to think about family this week; and not only family related by blood, but anyone you have a relationship with. Is there someone you have discord with? Is it preventing you from pleasing God? God is calling all of us to come together as family - especially during a time like this. It is His desire that we love each other as brothers and sisters in Christ so that we work together for His kingdom.

Take the time to pray this week about any relationship with a family member that does not please God. Ask Him to mend your hearts and restore your relationship. Don't miss an opportunity to love them the way that God calls us to.

With Love,


Monday, May 6, 2013

Update... Monday evening 5/6

Good evening family and friends,

Unfortunately, this blog comes with some not-so-happy news.

I received a phone call this morning from Pat's doctors stating they were going to perform an emergency operation today as a result of a vasospasm she suffered (a link has been provided on information about a vasospasm).

Basically, because of the amount of bleeding from the aneurysm, Pat's brain has a lot of swelling and some arteries are in jeopardy of clotting. This is a concern for the doctors because this could result in a stroke. Currently, they are concerned about the right region of her brain - which affects her left side motor skills - and performed the procedure today to prevent damage to those arteries.

The doctor just informed me that the procedure went well and there were no complications. They are continuing to monitor her (after an aneurysm like Pat suffered, much of the following weeks is a waiting game where they monitor the patient for no additional events).

I will be going to visit her tomorrow, so I will have another update posted by tomorrow evening.

Please continue to keep her in your prayers.

Thank you!

About Cerebral Vasospams:

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Happy Sunday!!!

This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it!
Hello again everyone!

I have wonderful news to report on Patricia's condition!! =)

She is steadily improving and her sedation level has been lowered. So she has been staying awake longer periods during the day.

Aside from a fever that comes and goes, her status is more stable. The doctors still plan to perform an additional operation in the future, they are just unsure of when.

The nurses have okayed visitors for her, BUT they would like to limit daily visitors, as to not tire her out too much - she still needs plenty of rest.

So, I will be putting together a schedule of visitors for Pat. Please email me at with the day and time you would like to see her. You can view the calendar and available times at .

Thanks again to you all!

*I deeply apologize if you have emailed, text, called me in the past few days. We've recently come home with baby girl and are spending time with her and our 1 year old (interesting times to say the least lol). I will do my best to answer all of you as quickly as possible. ~ Nichole

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Good morning everyone!

Sorry for the lapse in posts. My husband and I welcomed our baby girl into the world yesterday. Ari Nichole Rush was born at 11:12am at 7lbs 4oz. So, Pat has a new gift waiting for her when she gets home!

Pat is still recovering and resting in the ICU at the University of Maryland Medical Center in Baltimore. She is becoming more stable each day, but the doctors are continuing to monitor her closely, daily.

Mommy was able to visit with her yesterday, and Pat was able to turn her head towards her when Mommy spoke to her. She also opened her eyes when Mommy told her she had a new niece. This is so encouraging and speaks to the healing power of God!!!

The doctors are still stating she needs as much rest as possible, so they haven't given the okay on open visitation. However, we have given permission for anyone who would like to speak with them regarding Pat's status or who have questions about her condition. The main number to the ICU is 410.328.4242. You can ask to speak directly to Patricia Sims' physician.

Thank you and love you all!!!

And remember.....