Friday, June 28, 2013

Hi everyone,

I apologize for not updating the blog in a while. My son was sick with a viral infection and I've just been trying to keep up with taking care of everything. I will do my best to try to update this as much as possible (please bear with me).

So, there isn't much to update with Pat. She has been discharged to rehab and is still settling in. She is currently undergoing physical, occupational, and speech therapy. So her days are long and tiring. She is able to feed herself now, with very little trouble, but she still needs assistance in moving around. Her left side is still very weak and she barely moves it. Last week she attempted to use the restroom by herself and fell (the nurses found her sitting on the floor), but she did not injure herself. So the bulk of her therapy has been concentrated to physical.

She is talking more, but has some trouble remembering certain things or she may recall events that didn't occur. For instance, I took my daughter to see her for the first time yesterday (she was happy to see the babies), but said that was her second time seeing her in-person.

We'll know more about her progress thus far and future treatment after we have our family meeting next week and hopefully I will have more information to pass along to you all.

For now, Pat says she doesn't want visitors until she goes home because she gets tired and she could be in a compromising position. She is using the phone to keep in touch with me, Mommy, and Dorian when she can, so if you would like to give me your number, I can give it to her so that she can call at her leisure.

I'll also try to post more blogs of her talking so that everyone can see her. Please keep her in your prayers.



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